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Field Ranch Experience with the Artists

Spencer Meagher and Thomas Kitts
Ranch cactus with logo
Olena Babak
Cows with yellow flowers 2
Field Ranch cactus 2
Field Ranch cactus-3
Horse farm area
Field Ranch cactus-2
ranch greenery
Brienne Brown
Ranch and rocks
Second ranchlands

A Special EnPleinAirTEXAS Event
hosted by Jennifer & Tim Crutchfield
Special Award sponsored by Western Art Collector Magazine

Thursday, October 28, 2021

10 a.m. until ~
At the Field Ranch, just west of San Angelo


Come spend the day with the Artists on the Field Ranch!  You'll be hosted by ranch owners Jennifer and Tim Crutchfield, and able to visit with the Competition Artists and special guests Tim Newton, 2021 Awards Judge and Western Art Historian Michael Grauer (as long as his plane is on time!).

The ranch is about 20 minutes west of San Angelo and easy to get to (GPS will be sent early that week with other event information).  Arrive anytime after 10 a.m. and you'll be transported on ranch vehicles to the various sites where many of the artists are painting.  Stop and watch awhile, or simply go 'Artist-hopping' all over the ranch!

Lunch will be simple ~ fajitas and chocolate cake ~ available in the main barn.  We'll be taking that out to some of the artists while they paint for those who just don't want to take time to stop!

Around 3:30 p.m., the artists will gather at the barn, with their easels and fresh paintings from today ~ for a special exhibit & reception with you!  We'll have wine, beer, and light snacks during this gathering as we get to visit even more with the artists and our special guests.  You may purchase paintings on the spot, AFTER the Crutchfields have their first choice ~ after all, it's their ranch!

The crowd will vote for their favorite, and a "Field Ranch People's Choice Award" will be presented during the Awards presentation at the STAMPEDE the following night.  

Western Art Collector Magazine is a special sponsor of this ranch event, and we'll have magazines for you, plus, they will present the People's Choice Award winner with a full page "Artist Focus" ad in a future magazine.

Because these ranch paintings will be part of the Competition Exhibit, you'll have to leave any purchases with the artists. You may pick up your painting with your receipt after the Friday evening STAMPEDE Awards Party, and who knows, it may just be a winner!

A limited number of tickets are available for this special 'Field Ranch Experience' at $100 per person.  Tickets for Friday night's STAMPEDE Awards Exhibit & Sale are also $100 per person, and include a $100 credit towards purchase of a painting.


All EnPleinAirTEXAS events and painting sales directly impact and support the nationally recognized children's education programs at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts.